Entité de rattachement
Thème interdisciplinaire de recherche
Conservation des collections d'Histoire naturelle
Résines, milieux de montage de microscopie, polymères


alice.gimat [at] mnhn.fr

36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire

75005 Paris




  • Gimat Alice, Bourgoin Thierry, Matile-Ferrero Daniele, Fauvre Laurent, Cersoy S. & Rouchon Véronique, septembre 2023« Chemical analysis of gum-chloral mounting media: a first step towards understanding degradation mechanisms? » in Curation of Microscope Slides: Mounting Media, Conservation, and Digitization.. , ,
  • Gimat Alice, Thelliez Alice, Forel Marie-Béatrice, Sablier Michel, Cersoy S. & Rouchon Véronique, septembre 2022« La collection de lames de microscopie de Georges Deflandre : durabilité des milieux de montage » in Colloque Collections de Sciences de la Terre : pétrologie, minéralogie, paléontologie.. , ,
  • Gimat Alice, Schoeder Sebastian, Thoury Mathieu & Dupont Anne-Laurence, juin 2022Impact of the Paper Degradation State and Constituents on Its Behavior During and After X-ray Exposure. , , working paper or preprint
  • Gimat Alice, Thelliez Alice, Forel Marie-Béatrice, Sablier Michel, Cersoy S. & Rouchon Véronique, juin 2022« Documenting the alteration of Georges Deflandre’s microscope slides: a way to assess the most durable mounting method? » in SPNHC2022 Conference.. , ,
  • Rouchon Véronique, Gimat Alice, Pernègre Vincent N., Argot Christine, Colin-Fromont Cécile & Clément Gaël, juin 2022« The Durfort mammoth at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris: a specimen that accounts for 150 years of restoration practices. » in SPNHC 37th Annual Meeting.. , ,
  • Gimat Alice, Schöder Sebastian, Thoury Mathieu & Dupont Anne Laurence, avril 2022Degradation of historical paper induced by synchrotron X-ray technical examination. Cellulose vol. 29, n° 8, p. 4347-4364
  • Dupont Anne-Laurence, Gimat Alice, Schoeder Sebastian, Thoury Mathieu & Paris-Lacombe Sabrina, juillet 2021Short- and long-term effect of radiation damage in cotton paper. SOLEIL Highlights 2020 , ,
  • Gimat Alice, Schöder Sebastian, Thoury Mathieu, Missori Mauro, Paris-Lacombe Sabrina & Dupont Anne Laurence, 2020Short- and Long-Term Effects of X-ray Synchrotron Radiation on Cotton Paper. X-ray analytical techniques are increasingly being used to study manuscripts and works of art on paper, whether with laboratory… Biomacromolecules vol. 21, n° 7, p. 2795-2807
    1525-7797, 1526-4602
  • Gimat Alice, Dupont Anne-Laurence, Lauron-Pernot Hélène, Paris Sabrina M, Rouchon Véronique & Massiani Pascale, novembre 2017Behavior of cellobiose in iron-containing solutions: towards a better understanding of the dominant mechanism of degradation of cellulosic paper by iron gall inks. Cellulose vol. 24, n° 11, p. 5101-5115
    0969-0239, 1572-882X